Saturday, August 25, 2012

Hi Everybody!

I am a 25 year young girl trying desperately to make some sense out of the utter confusion my life lately seems to have become.  I helplessly watch as my precious life trickles away slowly in the hapless pursuit of a braindead job, as i let myself be drowned in the deadly venom of the daily rituals. And i cannot help but wonder how far i have wandered off  in the wrong path .
There once was a time when i would spend hours on our rooftop staring at the sky, watching the stars and feel amazed or  when i would smell the flowers in my garden basking in the crimson rays of the setting sun or drench in the  rain unabashed and unrestrained...But those are days gone by.
This blog is my way of trying to restore the balance in my life by delving into the mysterious world of the beautiful nature . Herein , i try to explore with my readers the weird and wonderful living creatures in the wild. While some of them are deadly to man , some others  are completely harmless But each of them are unique in their own way.
I have decided to start off with snakes as i find them quite alluring. Its basically the same reason that people are so drawn to horror movies! Snakes scare the hell out of me. i see  snakes in my nightmares! Their deadly venom instills in me both awestruck admiration and a bone chilling fear.Quite frankly, I find it hard to resist their lethal charm .
However, i will not restrict myself to just snakes but will dwell upon other such exciting wildlife as well. Writing this blog is like embarking on a adrenaline pumping adventure in the heart of some amazonian forest! And i just  can't wait to get started!!!
Happy reading folks!!


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